Author: admin

About Almost Home

Almost Home is designed to be what we want for our own pets: all indoors, climate controlled with spacious runs, outdoor yards with 8 foot perimeter fences where dogs can be taken to and let off leash several times a day, and of course, lots of hugs and dog cookies for all. For our kitty clients, they are boarded away from the dogs, with windows to a private yard where the cats can watch “cat tv” – where birds, squirrels, chipmunks find plenty to eat and provide lots of entertainment. We have dedicated and well-trained staff caring for your pets.
Our mission is to give pets a safe boarding experience and feel “Almost Home” while staying at our facility. To allow pet owners to enjoy time away from home, content that their pets are receiving the best care possible. To provide a professional indoor training facility, allowing interaction between pet owners and their pets.


Vote for Almost Home Boarding and Training in the categories of Doggy Daycare and Pet Grooming!!

Click here to VOTE for us.

Remember to vote every day. Voting closes at 11:59 pm on Friday the 30th of August!

Thank you for choosing us! Let’s make it THREE years in a row!

 Almost Home has been the recipient of numerous awards. Here are some of our other previous awards and recognitions:








Canine Cough Reminder

Canine Cough or Kennel Cough (Bordetella) is the common name given to respiratory infection in dogs because it is contagious for dogs who go to grooming, day care or dog parks.  Parainfluenza and Adenovirus-Type 2 are other viral respiratory diseases that cause symptoms that look extremely similar to canine cough.

There are 3 ways your vet can vaccinate your dog against Bordetella (Canine Cough), but not all are the same and not all of them protect your dog against the other respiratory illnesses mentioned above.

Please note the following:

  • Injectable Bordetella: given as a “shot” this version only contains the Bordetella vaccine.
  • Oral Bordetella:  given by squirting the vaccines material on the gums (it should not be squirted on the tongue).  The version contains only the Bordetella vaccine.
  • Nasal 3-way vaccine: given by placing the vaccine material in the nostrils. Nasal version contains Bordetella, parainfluenza and adenovirus type 2.

Our goal at Almost Home is for all our dogs to remain protected and healthy, therefore, we are highly recommending you to ask for the 3-way intranasal vaccine that protects against more than Bordetella, but also the other similar respiratory viruses: parainfluenza and adenovirus type 2.  We want them to stay protected.  A lapse in protection puts all our dogs at risk for illness.



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